The Irish Second-Level Students’ Union CLG is a charitable company limited by guarantee not having share capital, registered under Part 18 of the Companies Act 2014.
The main object for which the Irish Second-Level Students' Union is established is to contribute to the advancement of second-level education of all second-level students in order to improve and enrich the education of each student and to support the involvement of students at all stages of their education, so that they achieve their full potential and as responsible citizens, to improve society.
Finance and Fundraising
The annual accounts of the ISSU are made freely available with the Charities Regulatory Authority and the Companies Registration Office.
Our income streams fall into 2 categories; receipts from the sale of iConnect Card and Donations. Donations originate from the generous support of our strategic partners in Education, Youth Work, and some Trade Unions.
All expenditure of the ISSU is in support of the advancement of the objects of the company in line with our charitable objectives.
Tax Clearance
The Revenue Commissioners confirm that Irish Second-Level Students’ Union Limited tax affairs are in order. Electronic validation access is available on request.
Charity Status
The ISSU is a registered charity, with charity registration number 20141868 (CHY22315)