ISSU Response to State Examinations Decision


The Irish Second-Level Students’ Union , as the national representative body for second-level students, acknowledges the recent announcement regarding the 2020 State Examinations by the Minister for Education and Skills. While some clarity has come with the confirmation that exams will not continue as normal in June, the ISSU is concerned that the proposals put forward have not yet been ironed out, and that student welfare needs to be adequately considered in the proposal. We recognise the difficulty and work involved  in making such decisions is monumental at this time however we feel that there are a number of factors still needing clarification before this contingency plan is implemented.

The ISSU’s Survey results, released on April 3rd and including the views of over 46,000 students, showed clearly that postponement of exams was not the preferred option of students, with just 9% of Junior Cycle and 19% of Leaving Cert students opting for it as a first preference. Among the reasons supplied for this low favourability were the unparalleled additions of stress and anxiety on students, discrepancies in the quality assurance of educational supports, and the infeasibility of matching this calendar to students wishing to progress with their education abroad. 

The ISSU is seriously concerned about the effects this decision will have on students’ mental health and wellbeing. No additional supports have been announced as of yet to help exam year students navigate through this extension of examinations.We are hopeful that the Department will take this as a top priority to implement a programme to support all stakeholders through this stressful and uncertain time.

This decision leaves many questions unanswered regarding exam dates, project deadlines and the value of unfinished continuous assessment in any final grade. The amount of face to face class time before exams cannot yet be defined due to the nature of HSE guideline announcements, and the provision in place for Junior Cycle exams leaves questions about how the 2020/21 year will progress for LCA and continuing 5th year students. 

The ISSU is disappointed that the student voice was not sufficiently consulted before this decision was finalised, despite students being the stakeholder most affected and being highly engaged over the last number of weeks. Many questions still remain to be answered, and the ISSU wishes to work with  the Department and other stakeholders to ensure these are answered clearly with student health and welfare at the heart of the decisions. 

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Officer Blogs: Oifigeach na Gaeilge - Caoimhe Molloy

In the lead up to our Online Annual Assembly, our current NSE want to give our members and potential candidates an insight into their roles. Here we have our Oifigeach na Gaeilge, Caoimhe Molloy, from Wicklow.

In the lead up to our Online Annual Assembly, our current NSE want to give our members and potential candidates an insight into their roles. Here we have our Oifigeach na Gaeilge, Caoimhe Ní Mhaolaí from Wicklow.

I ran for my role as I wanted to be more active in saol mór na Gaeilge, and thought ISSU was the best medium to do so.

This year, I travelled to Romania for the Speak Together conference on minority languages, I arranged the translation of the new ISSU constitution, I organised Oifigeach ns Gaeilge training in partnership with Conradh na Gaeilge, I was very active on the Gaeilge4all education reform campaign.

I’m particularly proud of translating the constitution! I think its really important that ISSU's resources exist in the first language of the state, and that we can represent students from both Irish and English medium schools as fairly as possible.

My advice for the future Oifigeach na Gaeilge is: every Gaeilgeoir has a very personal relationship with an Ghaeilge, but don't let this stop you from being open to other suggestions, is le gach duine í.

One thing I enjoyed about my time on the NSE was organising a new & improved Skills Academy workshop with Conradh na Gaeilge.

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For more info on how to run for the NSE click here. Remember deadline to nominate yourself is the 26th or April!

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Press Release, Leaving Cert ISSU Press Release, Leaving Cert ISSU

ISSU Statement on the 2020 State Examinations Survey Report #ClarificationNow

The Irish Second-Level Students’ Union (ISSU) is continually striving for the clarity needed on the 2020 State Examinations contingency plan.

In response to the release of our ISSU State Examinations 2020 survey report the ISSU wishes to note;

  • The ISSU is just one of the many stakeholders who are working with the Department of Education on this issue.  The ISSU alone does not have the power to change or implement plans for State Examinations, but we are working proactively with the Department, it’s bodies and other stakeholders in the education system to ensure the fairest solution for all students is found. A core aim of the ISSU is to represent all second-level students across Ireland and to ensure fairness and equality in the education system. 

  • The results from the survey are reflective of the submissions from over 46,000 students in examination years. The survey took place over 6 days, and was shared to our 400 member schools and 36 Regional Officers to disseminate among students. The survey received significant coverage on social media and the resulting response equates to a sample of almost 37% of all students taking exams. This sample is significant, particularly given the amount of time afforded to the ISSU to consult with students, and is the largest survey response the union has ever received. The ISSU is working on behalf of students based on this significant input, however the recommendations provided at the end of this report have been given as a reflection of the submissions received and are in no way deemed to be the opinions of those who did not fill out the survey or submit their views. 

  • There is considerable opposition to a proposal for predicted grading among Leaving Certificate students, which is also shared by other representative stakeholders. The ISSU recognises these concerns and is working to address these.

  • Similarly, there is a majority in opposition to sitting Leaving Certificate exams in June as planned. Students have missed valuable contact time with teachers and fallen behind on project and practical work. If exams do go ahead, provisions and revised plans for assessment must be introduced, including a “No Detriment” policy as proposed by the ISSU and third-level student unions. 

  • The ISSU has provided recommendations on a variety of possible outcomes for the State Examinations contingency plans. These recommendations have been directly  shaped by student feedback and are proposed to secure fairness and equality for all in decision-making.

The ISSU will continue to advocate that students, as key stakeholders in their education, are consulted and included in any decisions to be made regarding their education in the coming weeks and months.

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survey, Leaving Cert ISSU survey, Leaving Cert ISSU

ISSU State Examinations Survey Results: Students Call for Cancellation of Exams, with Some Concerns

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From Thursday 26th March to Wednesday April 1st 2020, the ISSU ran a survey aimed at Junior and Leaving Certificate Students asking them what they wanted to see happen with the upcoming state examinations.

The response was enormous, with over 46,000 students responding to the survey alone in the short time frame, and hundreds more inputting their views via email and social media.

The key findings of the survey include;

  • Junior Certificate students are vastly in favour of cancellation of the upcoming exams, and for predicted grades along with already-completed coursework to decide their final grades. 77% of students chose this as their preferred solution

  • The largest amount of Leaving Certificate students are also in favour of cancellation of exams, and for predicted grades along with coursework to define their final grade. 49% of students chose this as their preferred solution.

  • There is a significant minority of Leaving Certificate students who are against a solution involving predicted grades. Indeed there is a large polarisation between students who want to sit an exam at some stage in the coming months, versus those who do not.

  • All students want immediate clarity from the Department of Education on if and how the State Exams will be run.

The ISSU will be advocating on behalf of students based off the results of this survey, and looking to address the concerns shared by many students, particularly regarding predicted grading.

Where the main recommendations of this survey may not be possible, the ISSU will advocate for the next most favoured option among students.

The ISSU will now look to cooperate with the Department of Education & Skills and other educational stakeholders to find a solution that will alleviate the stress and uncertainty that has faced students in recent weeks, and be as fair as possible to all students.

The entire report including further analysis of the survey and the ISSU’s recommendations to the Department of Education & Skills can be read here:

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Officer Blog: Equality Officer - Eric Ehigie

In the lead up to our Online Annual Assembly, our current NSE want to give our members and potential candidates an insight into their roles. Here we have our Equality Officer, Eric Ehigie from Longford.

In the lead up to our Online Annual Assembly, our current NSE want to give our members and potential candidates an insight into their roles. Here we have our Equality Officer, Eric Ehigie from Longford.

 I ran to become the Equality Officer as I wanted to bring a unique perspective to the role that has not been seen in the past. I am a fervent believer that equality is a right that all should have access to within and beyond the walls of the school and I wanted to work on emphasising the importance of guaranteeing that right to students. I also wanted to show people, by simply sitting on the executive, that ISSU is an organisation for all and regardless of your background, ethnicity or creed, you have a crucial role to play in the youth movement and your second-level student union. 

This year, I’ve worked on compiling as much data as I can about how students have been treated within the school environment- I’ve done this by releasing a survey on ‘Discrimination and Diversity’ in schools and also, by organising an Equality Consultation, which will hopefully take place at some point in the future. I have also gathered a diverse bundle of students to make an ‘Equality Team’. The Team help me to effectively carry out the goals on my manifesto that I was elected to complete and they bring forth a different viewpoint on the work I do as the Equality Officer, which has helped me greatly. I have led various projects and campaigns throughout the year also, such as the #WeAreOne campaign.

I would advise incoming NSE members to be yourself! You are elected for what you have to offer and for how you see the issues that are effecting students. Trust your abilities, and understand that you can bring things to the table that no one else can. 

I loved every moment spent on the NSE. I have met incredible people, made incredible friends, bettered myself and have learned so much about the power that young people have to yield change in Ireland. 


For more info on how to run for the NSE click here. Remember deadline to nominate yourself is the 26th or April!

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Officer Blog: International Officer- Nadine Toye

In the lead up to our Online Annual Assembly, our current NSE want to give our members and potential candidates an insight into their roles. Here we have our International Officer, Nadine Toye from Donegal

In the lead up to our Online Annual Assembly, our current NSE want to give our members and potential candidates an insight into their roles. Here we have our International Officer, Nadine Toye from Donegal

This time last year I was preparing to run a campaign to get elected as the International Officerof ISSU. There were a number of reasons why I was running, but the biggest one was my love for international work and my belief that second-level students have to be represented to highest standard internationally. Throughout my term I have immersed myself into the world of international student politics and I've gained so many new experiences and knowledge that I was always able to bring back for the benefit of ISSU and second-level students in Ireland. To anyone that is considering running for international officer 2020-2021 I would say that you have to be prepared to put in the work, and a lot of it too! But everything that you put in comes back to you tenfold and it is so so worth it. As I said in my speech at last years Annual Assembly, being international officer is not a ticket to go sightseeing, it is instead an opportunity to work extremely hard for a cause that you believe in, while meeting amazing people and lifelong friends along the way. My favorite NSE memory of the year was definitely when we went ice skating together in December and I didn't have a clue what I was doing, hanging on to Gearoid and Eiman for dear life as the two of them dragged me around the rink! For me, being on the NSE for the past two years has given me a family of some of the best people dotted all around the country and that's why I would always recommend to everyone to get more involved with ISSU. 


For more info on how to run for the NSE click here. Remember deadline to nominate yourself is the 26th or April!

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