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Irish P2 - #LC2017 - Michelle Chiperi Aivazova

Michelle Chiperi Aivazova - Colaiste Einde Salthill GalwayI was a mess this morning trying to do some cramming before Irish, which turned out to be an amazing paper! I think there's a pattern forming with my exams, I always think I'm going to actually fail and I end up getting a great paper!! I think one of the best things was that this paper was easy peasy because of the poem, story and the questions in general that came up. They were literally everything I would have wished for on a paper!!Check out more exam blogs here: http://issu.ie/the-issu-exam-blogs-2017/issu-exam-blogs-leaving-cert-2017/#StateExams2017

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Irish - #LC2017 - Art O'Mahony

  #LC2017 #IrishArt O'Mahony - St Patrick's Secondary School CastleislandI absolutely littered the aural paper with aiste phrases as soon as I got it at 9.25, for fear I would forget them by the end! The anticipation of writing the 100 marker made me neglect the cluastuiscint slightly but it was actually lovely. Bar one or two questions and many a few spelling mistakes I think I scored fairly well. I thought to dialect was clearer than normal, especially the Kerry Irish which is always lovely!I tore into the aiste from there. I was hoping to do 'Breatimeach' but was a little thrown when I saw it in the Díospóireacht section. Instead I tackled Foréigean which allowed me to use most of what I had learned. I brought in The Troubles, terrorism and a few others things and overall was quite happy with it.Here's hoping paper two is as nice!#StateExams2017

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Science - #JC2017 - Maria Hayes

Maria Hayes - Scoil RuainThe Science paper which I was faced with today was very good. Everything I had concentrated on, came up!!I began with the Biology questions, then Chemistry, then finally Physics.I was happy with the biology questions, usually they are very difficult but this time they weren't as hard. Same goes for chemistry and physics!The only problem with the Chemistry was we had to draw a molecule of oxygen. I forgot my compass to draw the molecule!!!Other than that I was very happy with the paper!#StateExams2017

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Maths P2 - #JC2017 - Maria Hayes

Maria Hayes - Scoil Ruáin KillenauleThis morning I was faced with the 2nd half of the maths exam. When I first got my paper I immediately checked to see if there was a theorem on the paper because it's a guaranteed 15 marks for me!! I was delighted to see that it was the parallelogram theorem!!I began with the construction question then the theorem to put myself in a good mood. Then I worked my way through the paper. I found the paper hard at times but in general it was ok. There wasn't a lot of area and volume questions, however there was a vast range of different topics on the paper such as theorems, constructions, geometry of the line and much more...I am happy with the result of the paper.#StateExams2017

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Science - #JC2017 - Diego Brule

Diego Brule - Colaiste Einde Salthill GalwayScience was one of the two subjects in which I had prepared myself the most in. I was very looking forward to it, considering that for my LC subjects, I picked Physics, Chemistry and Applied Maths.But maybe you noticed from my subject choices that Biology isn't my strongest? Well you are correct. As I opened the paper, the biology part made everything more complicated. A combination of asking precisely about topics that I hadn't much interest in, unusual wording, and me not being able to translate scientific names to english, made those first 3 questions very frustrating.But relief came to me as I went into the chemistry section. This time, no translating required, as it was more maths, the universal language. Balancing chemical equations, lab experiments, and the fact that not one thing about hard water came up made this section very enjoyable.And last but definitely not least, Physics section. Ah, my favourite science. I flew through it, knowing all the theory behind it. I just got a bit stuck on electricity, but my log book helped me out.Overall, for me, this test was satisfying and relaxed. And I can't help but be happy that now I can completely forget about studying plants again, or mostly anything about Biology for that matter.#StateExams2017

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Maths P2 - #JC2017 - Diego Brule

Diego Brule - Colaiste Einde Salthill GalwayPaper two is the easier of the two, I said. It won't be that hard, I said. Well, this maths paper 2 was just about the most confusing maths paper I've done up to now.When I first opened the exam at 9:30, my sleepy self immediately wanted to cry at the complexity of the questions, even at the beginning at the paper. But I worked through the easy ones first: some statistics, simple volumes, simple trigonometry. I left one or two blank spaces as I moved on.As my brain was getting warmed up, the complexity of the questions seemed to disappear, and I worked through the paper ever so relaxed, until I came to a very difficult trig question and a proof that was easy but I hadn't studied recently so I just skipped it for the time being.11:45: I finish all the simple parts of the exam, having left behind three questions to look over. The challenge had begun. I did the proof which actually was very easy, and I filled in a probability question that I had left blank. Now, to the final boss, the trig question, in which I had no idea what theorem they were asking about (It was a very weird circle)How did I conquer it you might ask? I used the legendary technique of staring at it, as if was going to give me the answer. But eventually, it actually worked. After 10 minutes or so of staring at it, I noticed something that allowed me to do the maths to find out the measurement of the angle they were looking for.After all this was the easier of the two papers, its simplicity hidden away under confusing wording and contexts, and very little information. I'm pretty happy with it, and I guess it taught me: There is no such thing as a question you don't know the answer to, you just haven't stared at it for long enough#StateExams2017 

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